Often viewed as a fashion statement, glasses have become more popular than ever. Even with their new-found fame, eyeglasses still aren’t worn by people who actually need them. Whatever the reason be, not wearing glasses when it is actually required can result in serious short term or long-term effects.
When someone needs to wear corrective eyeglasses, and chooses not to wear them, then that means their minds aren’t functioning with the clearest vision possible. Around 90% of a person’s reactive ability while driving relies on eye sight. When someone chooses not to wear eyeglasses, he puts himself and others at risk. Also, kids refusing to wear eyeglasses can face minor or major injuries while playing which could have been avoided if they had a correct vision.
However, long term effects of not wearing eyeglasses might result in an incomplete development of the eyes. The fall of a clear image to the retina assists the eyes to develop. Hence, if the vision isn’t crystal clear, it prevents the eyes from developing.
People who face problem viewing objects located far away, fall in the category of near sightedness. An eyeglass prescription for someone who is near sighted will have minus power. A near-sighted person who doesn’t wear prescription glasses might run the risk of developing lazy eyes.
When someone with weak eyesight works hard to focus on nearby objects, they fall in the category of farsightedness. When a far-sighted individual doesn’t wear corrective glasses, then their eyes will have to work harder to focus on a particular object that often leads to fatigue or headaches. A common complaint with far sighted kids is that they dislike reading. They generally are able to accommodate their sight to focus on far sighted objects but face long term effects if their vision is not rectified.
We at GKB Opticals believe personalization is extremely important when it comes to optimizing performance with modern day corrective lenses. Several factors like position of the eyes, the angle and position of the frame and the calculative distance between pupils make prescription glasses unique for every wearer. Therefore, you must never share prescription glasses, even if the prescription value is assumed to be similar. Moreover, we offer best-branded eyeglasses. Our special offers make it easy for you to get the latest trending eyeglass style. With over 1500+ eye frames, GKB Opticals makes it possible for you to select the best pair from both online portal and physical stores. Also, you can visit the nearest GKB Opticals store for your eye check-up.